Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Lip Scrub a Dub Dub

I got a lot of LUSH Cosmetics products when I was back home in the UK, although they are also available in the US. One of the ones that I was most excited about was the lip scrubs. The first thing to notice about the product is that it is essentially sugar, oil, and some flavoring. So if you are the crafty type, you could definitely cook up (well, mix up) some of this product yourself. The sugar gives it a pleasantly gritty texture (you know how I love me some scrub) which you rub on your lips. I rubbed it back and forth a couple of times to really get the benefit of the sugar scrub. The second stage is up to personal preference - as it’s basically sugar and oil, you can either lick it off or wash it off. I chose licking, which is definitely the higher calorie approach. It has a sweet minty flavor with a hint of chocolate. As this is scrubbing your lips, it’s essential to put a balm on soon afterwards otherwise they will dry out again. I did find that they did make my lips a lot smoother, and I really enjoyed the scrubbing sensation and the tingling of the mint. You also get a nice amount of product in the wee tub.

There are other products out there which do a similar job, but Lush’s price point is nice and low (, which makes me love it more. My only gripe is the name. A Mint Julip is a bourbon based mint cocktail favored by ladies at the races in the South. The chocolatey flavor of Lush’s Mint Julep was more akin to a Starbucks mint hot chocolate, or peppermint bark, rather than a cocktail.

This post contains an affiliate link. This does not alter the opinion or outcome of a review. My responsibility is to provide my honest feedback and thoughts to my readers.

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